National Service Scheme (NSS)

NSS, or the National Service Scheme, is a widely recognized Indian government-sponsored public service program. Established in 1969, the NSS aims to inculcate social responsibility and a sense of community service among young people by engaging them in various social welfare activities.

The primary objective of NSS is to promote social responsibility, national integration, and community engagement among young people. It encourages students to actively participate in various community development activities and contribute to the welfare of society. NSS activities focus on areas such as education, health care, environment conservation, rural development, and disaster management.

NSS volunteers, usually undergraduate or postgraduate students, are involved in organizing and participating in different projects and campaigns. These can include literacy programs, blood donation camps, tree plantation drives, cleanliness drives, awareness campaigns on social issues, and providing support to marginalized communities.

Participation in NSS is voluntary, and students who engage in NSS activities earn credits that can be beneficial for their academic and career prospects. NSS also aims to instill in students a sense of discipline, leadership, and teamwork while fostering a spirit of empathy and social consciousness.

NSS is one of the largest youth volunteer programs in the world, with millions of students actively involved in its activities across India. It has played a significant role in creating awareness, mobilizing resources, and addressing various social challenges in the country.

  • NSS
  • NSS Committee
    Name Designation
    Program Officer
    Activities Conducted

    NSS activities encompass a wide range of initiatives aimed at promoting community development, social welfare, and civic engagement. Here are some common NSS activities conducted by volunteers:

    1. Awareness Campaigns: NSS volunteers organize campaigns to raise awareness about critical issues such as health and hygiene, HIV/AIDS, drug abuse, environmental conservation, gender equality, literacy, and more. These campaigns involve conducting workshops, seminars, rallies, and street plays to disseminate information and educate the community.
    2. Literacy and Education Programs: NSS volunteers often organize programs to promote literacy, provide educational support to underprivileged children, and conduct awareness campaigns on the importance of education.
    3. Health and Sanitation Campaigns: Volunteers participate in health camps, blood donation drives, and awareness programs on topics such as personal hygiene, sanitation, and preventive healthcare.
    4. Environmental Conservation: NSS promotes environmental awareness through activities like tree plantation drives, creating awareness about climate change, organizing cleanliness campaigns, and promoting sustainable practices.
    5. Rural Development: Volunteers work in rural areas to address the needs of the community, including infrastructure development, sanitation, healthcare, and livelihood improvement.
    6. Disaster Management: NSS plays a crucial role in disaster preparedness and response by organizing training programs, mock drills, and spreading awareness about disaster management protocols.
    7. Social Awareness Campaigns: NSS conducts campaigns on various social issues like gender equality, drug abuse prevention, mental health awareness, and HIV/AIDS awareness.
    8. Skill Development: NSS volunteers often organize skill development workshops and vocational training programs to empower marginalized communities and enhance their employability.
    9. Celebrating National and International Days: NSS actively participates in events commemorating national festivals, important days, and international observances such as World Environment Day, International Women's Day, and International Day of Yoga.
    10. Blood Donation Camps: NSS frequently organizes blood donation drives to address the shortage of blood in hospitals and raise awareness about the importance of voluntary blood donation.
    11. Adopting Villages or Slums: NSS units may adopt a village or slum area to work closely with the community, identify their needs, and implement sustainable development projects.
    Board of Students’ Development (BSD)
  • BSD
  • Student Development Committee
    Name Designation
    Student Development Officer
    Earn and Learn Scheme

    Earn and learn scheme has been granted to college by Savitribai Phule Pune University since its inception. Many students have benefited through the scheme till now. Students work in library, gymnasium, office and laboratories. They get work experience along with some financial help under this scheme.

    Student's Achievements

    Anti Ragging Committee
    Name Designation
    Internal Complaint Committee
    Name Designation
    Expectation from Student
    1. Every Student seeking admission to the Adv. Shardulrao Sudhakarrao Jadhavar College Of Law is expected to adhere to the tradition of Jadhavar Foundation, Pune and the students should endeavor for excellence along with ethical and moral values
    2. Every student is required to approach for admission only if he aspires to excel in Legal Education. Students seeking admission other than for education are advised otherwise.
    3. Every student while seeking admission shall subject himself to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Vice-Chancellor, Authorities of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Authorities of Jadhavar Foundation, Authorities of Adv. Shardulrao Sudhakarrao Jadhavar College Of Law and shall abide by and strictly adhere to the rules made in that behalf by the mentioned authorities.
    4. Every student is to maintain the decorum and educational environment within college premises. Loitering, damaging College property and facilities, insubordination shall incur strict disciplinary action by the College authorities.
    5. Every student is required to attend classes regularly, attend court and lawyers chambers as may be prescribed by the College authorities in reference and. compliance to the S.P.P. U. and curriculum requirements. The College authorities, also have an extensive schedule for incumbent students to attend court, court proceeding and lawyers' chambers. All students are required to comply with the schedule. The same is part of the College endeavor to infuse practical approach at the very nascent stage of legal education.
    6. Every student shall subject himself to strict discipline befitting an ideal student. No student shall indulge in any political activity in the College premises and during class timings. No associations, organization or societies shall be formed, established or invited in the College premises without prior permission of the College authorities.
    7. Every student is required to acquaint himself/herself with the Maharashtra Universities Act 1994 (Ordinance No. 157) The same is regarding maintenance of discipline and good conduct by the students.
    8. Every student is required to take part in various academic activities proposed and / or held by the College authorities. Seminars, Guest Lectures, Debates and Free Legal Aid Activities that are organized to develop the skills of students. The students are required to exploit the facilities provided by the College.
    Instruction to Student
    1. If the student is employed, employers' permission to pursue the course and attend all the classes of the course.
    2. DRESSCODE i.e. Black Trousers/Pants, White Shirt with tie, and Black shoes, White Dress for female students is compulsory for all students on everyday except Saturday.
    3. Attendance to lectures/college is 75%, attendance on Saturday is strictly compulsory.No excuse shall be entertained if prior permission in writing is not obtained.
    4. Submission of assignments is compulsory for academic development. Participation in college activities shall be observed and enforced.
    Ban on Smoking, the Sale and Consumption of Tobacco & Alcoholic Drinks in College premises:

    Smoking, the Sell and Consumption of Tobacco & Alcoholic Drinks within the College premises and 100 meters radius beyond the college premises is strictly prohibited. Any person indulging in such activity is subject to suitable disciplinary action as per the existing laws.

    Ban on Ragging:

    Strict action as per the law will be taken against students indulged in ragging in the College premises. Every student is required to submit online affidavit in this regard.

    Attendance Rules
    1. Every student is required to maintain 75% (average) attendance per subject per month.
    2. Attendance is to be maintained meticulously.
    3. Optional Subject should be pre-decided within 10 days of admission or starting of lectures, whichever is earlier. (Attendance should be made accordingly)
    4. Students who take leave for more than three consecutive days, are required to write a letter with reason which is to be submitted to the Class-Teacher beforehand to consider and examine their reason for absence. Letters submitted later will not be accepted and the student will be marked absent for those many days.
    5. It is totally the Class Teacher/Principal's discretion whether to grant the student leave based on the application or not.
    6. Medical-emergencies need to be supported with medical certificates.
    Students Activity
    Guest Lectures

    Adv. Shardulrao Sudhakarrao Jadhavar College of Law will conduct Guest Lectures of eminent personalities in the field of legal education and legal practice such as Advocate, Legal Practitioner, Former Judges, Retired Judges of High Court and Supreme Court. Adv. Shardulrao Sudhakarrao Jadhavar College of Law will conduct Guest lectures of eminent personalities in the field of legal education and legal practice in each academic year.

    Sports and Cultural Committee

    Adv. Shardulrao Sudhakarrao Jadhavar College of Law makes learning a more interesting activity by coordinating it with other extracurricular activities. This is done so by an active Gym and Cultural Committee. Through these committees, students are encouraged to participate in various sports and cultural competitions, hosted at local and state level. The object of the Gym committee, is to focus on the over all development of the Students and to Inculcate leadership qualities amongst them.

    Moot Court Competition

    Adv. Shardulrao Sudhakarrao Jadhavar College of Law conducting Jadhvar National Moot court competition. The Moot Court Competitions play an indelible role in the legal education of truly aspiring law students. At Adv. Shardulrao Sudhakarrao Jadhavar College of Law the Moot Court Committee pays special attention towards the development of advocacy skills of the students. The Moot Court Committee encourages the students to participate in various Local, State Level and National Moot Court Competitions. Evens so, the college itself annually conducts the highly prestigious Jadhvar National Level Moot Court Competition. Various colleges from all over the all over India participate in it.

    Name of the Scholarship/Freeship Website link
    Central Sector Scholarship Scheme (CSS Scholarship) Central Sector Scholarship Scheme